How StreetSmart Insurance Improved Their Customer Experience & Increased Close Rates by 82% with InsurGrid

Collect dec pages upfront, write more new policies, and sell more multi-line policies. Sign up for an InsurGrid demo.
Proudly serving residents and businesses in New Jersey since 2004, StreetSmart Insurance is a family run independent agency that specializes in a wide range of personal and commercial products. From auto and home to commercial and trucking, they’ve got their clients covered.
However, they don’t think of their customers as clients; they serve them like family. As their website says, “We treat every policy we write as a relationship, not a commodity. We help consumers save money, we help businesses reduce risk and we help families protect and preserve their financial future.”
It’s this customer-centric approach to business that drove StreetSmart’s interest in a solution like InsurGrid to help improve their customer experience, speed time to information, and increase conversion rates.
The Common Agent Struggle to Confirm Client’s Policy Information
Like most independent agents, StreetSmart’s team was successful at closing business once they could confirm prospect’s current policy information. But getting those correct and complete declaration page details from people was often a challenge.
“We usually can sell people once we get their information, but it’s extremely common for customers to not really know what kind of coverage they already have,” Carlo Ferrara, Producer at StreetSmart Insurance Agency, shared. “Previously, there was no way for us to actually confirm their information until we released the quote. We were basically flying in the dark.”
Explaining to people what declaration pages are, why they’re important and how to find and share them with StreetSmart’s agents was often time-consuming and not the best experience for customers. Not to mention, that without access to accurate policy information, agents could miss opportunities to cross-sell products or offer clients prior insurance discounts when applicable.
For example, Jake Ferrara, Transportation Risk Specialist at StreetSmart Insurance, explains, “When you’re writing trucking insurance through Progressive, clients are often able to get a big discount if they have proof of other lines of personal auto.” But agents need those declaration pages in order to provide the proof necessary to obtain the discount for their clients.
“Their price can increase, it creates a massive amount of back and forth, and it’s not a great customer experience when you don’t have that document.”
Collect dec pages upfront, write more new policies, and sell more multi-line policies. Sign up for an InsurGrid demo.
Faster Policy Information, Better Customer Experience and Improved Conversion Rates with InsurGrid
Looking to save time for not only themselves but also their customers, StreetSmart turned to InsurGrid.
Using InsurGrid’s Agent Policy Tool, StreetSmart Insurance was able to provide their prospects with a new seamless, online way to share their current policy information.
They got up and running with the tool quickly. As Jake said, “It was very easy to implement within our workflow.” Once prospects received StreetSmart’s InsurGrid link, they could securely share their complete policy information with the agents in just three clicks. No more need for customers to search around for their declaration pages, no more long back and forths, and no more flying in the dark.
“It’s a huge time saver,” Carlo said. “We can now tell the customer, ‘don’t worry about it, just go to this link and let us help you do the work.’ Customers adapt to it really well because it’s fast and easy, so it’s very useful.”
Jake added, “When you can remove a burdensome task from someone, such as going to find a policy dec page they don’t understand, people are more responsive. They see true value in us as agents because we’re eliminating that barrier and doing something extra for them that they don’t know and don’t really want to know.”
“It can be infinite time savings because you’re making it easier for someone to do business with you.”
Beyond making life easier for them and their customers, InsurGrid has also helped StreetSmart prioritize prospects so they can better focus their time.
“The other good part,” Jake explained, “is that we can see if they’re engaging with the link. Regardless of whether or not they complete the form, if they’re showing engagement and providing information, then you know you should probably be prioritizing those people over other prospects you could be working with.”
“With InsurGrid, you can quickly identify which customers are really looking to do business with your agency versus the ones who are just shopping around.”
In addition to gaining better insight into which prospects to prioritize, InsurGrid enables StreetSmart’s agents to easily identify new cross-selling opportunities by showing all the policies on a prospect’s current account.
“Before InsurGrid, we were constantly trying to confirm what the customer has,” Carlo shared. “When you get all the dec pages through InsurGrid, you can not only see what they have but also what they don’t have — so you can sell against that too. You can say, ‘you don’t have this coverage on here.’ It’s an extra tool for the agent to sell the account themselves. The tool has paid for itself at this point.”
According to Jake, InsurGrid has helped improve their agency’s overall sales process. He said, “This process never existed. This is something that doesn’t happen in any part of the insurance industry, so InsurGrid is giving us a leg up in getting the policy information we need. It really differentiates us and further demonstrates our value to the customer.”
“The time that used to be spent collecting data is now extra time spent selling value, selling the endorsements of the policy, and talking about how we’re gonna take care of people — not only today but when their renewal comes up. It’s not just about collecting the information, it’s about having more time to spend demonstrating how great we’re gonna be for our customers long term; you can’t really put a metric on it.”
With more time in their days, better customer insights, lower barriers to quotes for prospects and faster access to complete policy information, StreetSmart Insurance has experienced a noticeable boost in conversion rates on leads — helping them close business above industry standards.
“We’re converting customers at a much higher rate using InsurGrid’s Agent Policy Tool,” Jake said. “The people who have submitted their information to us via InsurGrid convert at a 82% higher rate than those who don’t.”
In their first month using InsurGrid, StreetSmart already generated over $3,500 in additional revenue — and they see the potential for that growth to continue.
“Even if we didn’t help a prospect, we now have their information and can set them up on a remarketing campaign, so we believe that conversion rate will continue to increase long-term.”
Want to start saving time, improving your customer experience and increasing conversion rates? Sign up for an InsurGrid demo.